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German “Friendship cake” – Apple & Cinnamon Sourdough Cake

* I use Australian measurements - 

Click Here for a cooking conversion site.


* This isn't a family recipe so I do not have many photo's for this recipe, only the ones that were supplied by my mum with the starter.

The recipe and method that I have included will make enough mix for four starters, three of which you can give away, freeze or bake more cakes with.


Starter Ingredients:

150ml of plain flour

250ml (1 Cup) of castor sugar

1 - 1 ½  packet (2 - 3 tspns) of active dry yeast

1 cup of warm milk

¼ cup of warm water


Starter Method:

1) Dissolve the yeast in warm water for 10 minutes then stir.  Add the flour and sugar then mix thoroughly.

2) Slowly stir in the warm milk. Cover the bowl in a clean cloth. Leave in a cool dry place for 24 hours.

3) Now proceed from day 1 of the 10 day cycle.



*This recipe is for a sourdough cake. It is supposed to sit on your worktop for 10 days with only a tea towel on top.

You CANNOT put it in the fridge or it will die. If it stops bubbling, it is dead.


Day1: Put your starter in a large mixing bowl and cover loosely with a tea towel.
Day 2: Stir well (roughly 1 minute of stirring each day)
Day 3: Stir well
Day 4: Stir in 1 cup of each: plain flour, sugar and milk. (Add the milk in small amounts at a time)
Day 5: Stir well
Day 6: Stir well
Day 7: Stir well
Day 8: Stir well
Day 9: Add 1 cup each of plain flour, sugar and milk. Stir well.


Now divide into 4 equal portions and give away to friends with a link to these instructions. Keep the fourth portion for yourself.


Day 10: Now you are ready to make the cake. (you will need a LARGE bowl for this)


Stir well and add the following ingredients:

1 cup of sugar (225g)

2 cups of plain flour (300g)

1/2 tspn of salt

2/3 cup of cooking oil (160ml)

2 eggs

2 tspn of vanilla essence

2 cooking apples - cut into chunks

1 cup of sultanas (200g)

2 heaped tspn of dutch cinnamon

2 heaped tspn of baking powder


Mix everything together and put into 2 large round tins lined with baking paper.

(If you grease with oil/butter instead of using baking paper, it will fall apart when you remove it from the tray)


Mix a ¼ cup brown sugar and ¼ cup of melted butter together in a separate bowl and pour over the top of your cake.

Bake for 45 minutes at 170‐180C.


You may need to cover in tin foil and bake for a further 20 minutes to make sure your cake is done in the middle.

Once it’s done, place onto a cooling rack. When cold you can cut it into pieces.

The cake freezes well and is also delicious served warm with ice‐cream and maple syrup.



I hope you enjoyed my step by step tutorial!

If you have any questions please click "contact me" at the top of this site.


This recipe is really yummy and is great for parties, birthdays, christmas or just to have with your coffee :)


Stay tuned for more upcoming tutorials - in the meantime check out the "competitions" section of this website.


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